Elder Lunt

Երեց Brian Lunt
Եկեղեցին Հիսուս Քրիստոսի Վերջին Օրերի Սրբերի

Monday, October 26, 2015

Week 75

Dear family and friends,
We had a great week full of ministering to missionaries. I realize that ministering is the most influential aspect of leadership. It is so important to delegate and help missionaries to help themselves, that means showing the example then letting them do it. From my experience and a few others these things are what separates the great leaders from good. 

We went on 3 separate exchanges this last week and we have been able to more fully understand many of the missionaries and help them know "how". "When you know what to do and you do what you know, you become different".

 I have also learned many things from them on how to be a better leader and earn others' trust faster; such as, asking for their advice or addressing problems in the mission and giving them the opportunity to help you; this instills and reinforces equality, trust and love. 

It is a blessing to come back to our area after so much time out and see that investigators are keeping commitments and many came to church. Elder Jowers and I are very blessed. The list is endless of things to think about and change for myself and the Mission.

 I have never received so much personal revelation for myself and others in such a short period of time. It is an incredibly simple process that we often hear (pray,diligently study the scriptures with prayer and questions in mind, and attend church) , yet on such a deep level tailored to our needs and those whom we study for.  
“Personal revelation is the principle on which the government of heaveis conducted by revelation adapted to the circumstances in which the children of the  kingdom are placed” 

We have a big week coming up with many meetings and specific changes to be planned and prepared for. There is always so much to change and doing so while maintaining the divine attribute of gratitude. As a leader It's about thinking 5 steps ahead while enjoying the present. 

Along with personal revelation, I have never progressed this much in such a short amount of time. I am learning so many things everyday that are given and magnified through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, as I act and then I get to share it with others. We see so many miracles daily. So many lives are changed and influenced for the better. This truly is the greatest work. I love these people my companion and the Lord. This is true happiness.

P.S. Sorry for the length and vagueness of my emails lately. I will write longer, detailed emails when I am not an assistant.

Love Elder Lunt

To the missionaries:

Dear Elders and Sisters,

"Your greatest work: your most important creation is and will ever be you". This simple declaration of eternal progression continually transpired itself through out last General Conference. 

Through the doctrine of repentance and the principle of accountability we become aware of what we need to improve. So how do we close that gap of what we know and hear so often and what we are and becoming? How do we become that missionary we dream of? How do we just do it?

John 4:17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness. There is no fear in love; but  perfect love casteth out fearHe that feareth is not made perfect in love.  Behold, speak with  boldness, having authority from God; and fear not what macan do; for perfect love casteth  out all  fear.

 The simplicity 
In these verses, as you keep or replace the word fear with what it is it that limits you and the word love with what it is you desire, the solution independently stands, thus seeing the reasons may be many; however, the solution is one; faith in Jesus Christ, which will manifested by the love we have for him. As we are more concerned with the will of the Lord, the will of man dissolves all together. We are empowered. We qualify for the grace of God. We act, do and become.

Moroni 10:32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness;  and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, minand strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that bhis grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the  grace of  God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

Love you all,

Elders Lunt & Jowers

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 74

Dear family and friends,
This week has been one of many blessings and its' own set of trials. We have been blessed with many investigators that we feel are sincerely interested.  Many of the members are helping us and as we continue to work with the bishop. Many great things are unfolding daily as we continually commit ourselves to doing our best while recognizing our dependency on the Lord. 

I have been striving to have powerful prayers and close the gap on what I yet lack. It is hard at times, to be patient, humble and love everyone. At moments I feel I am spiritually backsliding. How does one stay constantly committed to what he knows is right? Especially Christ like attributes. I don't know all the answers but I feel it goes back to prayer, sincere, grateful, hear felt prayer.

 I want to have the ability to be humble and loving in every situation. When do I turn the other cheek or cast everyone out of the temple? I think it goes back to being in tune with the spirit and knowing exactly what to do when and how. Please let me know your thoughts and insight.

Elder Jowers and I are doing great. He is such a great man and he loves these people and this  work. He always wants to improve and has great insight and and an ability of learning from observation. We always push each other to do better and do so with an attitude of love and respect. 

I wish I had time to list all the specific miracles of this week, however know that many people were found and are being taught and each has their own story of how we were led to them by the spirit., so many good things happening and miracles that we get to see everyday. 

I love this work and these people and I am grateful for the opportunities that everyday brings. Because of communication barriers I know you don't have a lot to go off of;however, from what you have heard or felt, what are some things I can do better as a leader, teacher and person. I look forward to your responses. Love you all so much!


 Elder Lunt

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 73 "1 Thessalonians 2: 17 & 19-20"

Dear family and friends,
Conference was inspiring and left me with a hunkering impulse to improve. To be in better standing to effectively help others do the same. I enjoyed the many talks about progression and charity and the spirit that accompanied their words. 

Simplifying your path to discipleship by Pres. Utchdorf, and "ponderizing" by Elder Lawrence were some of my favorites. I love the simplicity of this gospel, and the eternal truths that shepard our lives; faith is dependent upon what we do know rather than what we do not. Simple testimony with sincerity and conviction is essential for obtaining spiritual power to teach, learn, understand or whatever task it is we undertake in doing. I loved the profound words "what lack I yet" and just as important what have I? I have received many spiritual promptings as to what I have and what is yet needed.

Elder Jowers is my brother, brother in Christ. We have many things we are working on together to better prepare us for marriage and life. We continue to work together more efficiently by the day and learn much from one another. I love him, and I value this time we have together, this will be a time worth remembering.

We were blessed with many baptisms this last week and the relationships I have developed with so many are eternal. I love the people of Armenia and ****. As I went on an exchange this past week to my past area (now 7 months ago, Hrazdan) I was brought to tears with how much I love those people I served with and how much they love, listen and respect me. 

 While I was there with a dear friend (Elder Potter) on an exchange, Hayk (my recent con.), Armen (the mini missionary that served with us in Hraz),  and I piled into a taxi and we went to the mountains of Tsakadzor to teach a lesson to Hovik (my recent convert). As we were driving up the hill, laughing, catching up and enjoying each others company, the atmosphere settled and we neared our destination. I heard a voice saying "Brian, this is what it's all about" I was overcome with peace and joy to the overpowering of my emotions. I love those people of Hrazdan and I feel that there is some more work to done there in the future for me. I felt similar to the sons of Mosiah as they were reunited with Ammon, my brothers in Christ.

As I was studying the chapters of Mosiah 14 I felt the power of the Atonement in a very personal way. I have been able to better understand the enabling power and the redeeming power lately and the differences. I also recognize that in every disadvantage exists an advantage. I know that every person in order to become converted must have personal experiences with the Atonement by praying, studying and being attentive to the spirit.

 I pray everyday to take advantage of every opportunity, and to do it for the right reasons. As there are a plethora of distractions in life, I always strive to be motivated by the Atonement, as I do so I experience the blessings of spiritual gifts and the spirit itself that comes with it and the simple tranquility it brings. 

As we know there is always much more on our to do list than our done list, but I love the opening prayer given in the second Sunday session, "let us close the gap on what we feel and know and what we are and becoming and enjoy til the end", later announced in a talk, "we are not perfect, but we need to be good a getting better". Love you all and appreciate you support and encouragement.


Elder Lunt

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 72 "This is the time"

Dear family and friends,
thank you for the letters and all of your love and support. The blessings and the opportunities continue to present themselves as we make the constant effort to continually improve. I truly love this work and the joy, trials and eternal magnitude it contains.

 President reminded some missionaries of the profound  joy of this service. "This is not a sacrifice, this time here further surpasses anything back home."  It truly is a privilege to be here serving in this capacity. I am humbled and blessed every time I reflect upon how great the opportunities, and capacities I have been blessed with and as I think of the missionaries we serve; the talents, capacities and attributes they possess. 

Elder Jowers and I are reaping the long awaited blessings of sowing. As we have been blessed this last week with several baptisms we are working closely with the bishop and ward to ensure the progression of the recent converts. We made our suggestions and gave our input as to what callings the recent converts would do well in, he will make the decision this week. 

We are working with many of our recent converts and they are teaching the lessons to investigators for their post 1-5 lesson review. It is truly  magnificent to see the conversion process in others and to see the ward members become ecstatic about missionary work, there is a tangible excitement among all involved in the missionary work.  It is such a marvelous blessing to see the transformation of this ward from 6 months ago and the unity and overall happiness, love and support. So much work to be done and so many recent converts/ future missionaries to be trained, what a blessing. With many more baptisms coming up this week it is a tender mercy, and testimony to me, to see everything coming together at once as the Lord blesses us from last transfer and the previous. 

What a blessing to be with Elder Jowers another transfer. I could stay with him for the rest of my mission. He was a great man at the begging of our time together and has become even better by hard work and giving himself to the Lord. We were talking last night and expressed our gratitude for one another and to the Heavenly Father for all the opportunities, blessings and changes we have experienced together. It is a significant moment in an individual's life when one can recognize "the glory days" as the present, Elder Jowers and I are doing just that!

All is well! I am learning much about my myself that will prepare me for marriage, raising a family, my future vocation, Christ like leadership and more. These things are priceless and I strive to do all I can to magnify all that the Lord has blessed me with. I am enjoying the success of hard work and the progression of those we teach. It definitely is not easy all the time, for whatever the acquisition there is always a price to be paid. I retain recollection of these verses when the creditor comes knocking. 

Luke 18:1 "And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;" 

Mosiah 7:33 But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage".

As I read about Abinadi and many other prominent missionaries who never saw the fruits of their labors. I am grateful that the Lord has allowed us to see many miracles unfolding. I am grateful for the convincing power, authority and love that I feel radiating from me as I better connect with the spirit; that physical light you can feel beaming from your eyes and face as the investigator listens intently. I am grateful for this experience for these people and the change they have brought in my life.

 "And this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy." (Alma 29:9) What an incredible experience this is, I wish words could suffice. "And surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God." (4 Nephi 16) Love you all! 

Thank you,

Love Elder Lunt