Dear family and friends,
It has been and amazing week, we have seen many miracles as a mission. There is an attitude of enthusiasm, excitement and drive in the mission. We continually strive to be better and see the blessing that come from doing so. As Leaders Elder Jowers and I are constantly praying, studying and pondering so that we can lead the Lord's mission in Armenian the way he would. It is an amazing opportunity to serve both the missionaries and these people everyday.
This last week we were blessed with a couple of baptisms and we anticipate a few more. It is amazing to see the change that the gospel brings to people's lives. Seeing the change in someone's life that comes through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and having a small part in that is the most incredible transformation.
So often as I study for investigators the study quickly leads into revelation for the mission. The following is just an example, it was something neat that happened this morning during my study. I was studying for a man that is not sure if he wants to introduce his family to us just yet.
I felt that we needed to talk to the missionaries about the things that we were planning on teaching him. Really having a family mind set in all areas of missionary work. Especially with Our focus this month being strengthening members and families. The first commandment ever given to mankind was "to multiply and replenish the earth". The family is the core of our gospel and the "most important social unit in time and eternity".
Elder Jowers and I are doing great! He is a great missionary and friend. We work hard and have a great time! He is always helping out and has a great humble attitude. It has been awesome working with him and we have seen the blessings of unity and hard work in this companionship. This last week we have prayed so much, on the street, buses, or in the apartment together, we see the miracles of faithful prayer as united brothers in the Lord's great work.
Water day! Yesterday (Sunday) Armenia's national water day. It was a great time, and we came armed with water balloons and squirt guns. We have a balcony right above a busy street so we had some fun. After Church we got soaked and chased for 5 blocks all the way to our apartment as everyone wanted to get the guys in suits, it was a great time.
Every thing is going great, I am happy and always striving to improve in every area. I love these people and have so much fun with them. I got to go on a split this last week with one of my old converts from Hrazdan. It was inspiring to see the man that he has become and the influence he has on others for good. I love him and all these people. The culture is awesome and is so funny to me, it will be something I miss. I love you and appreciate your emails, prayers and support.
Thank you for all that you do for me.
Love Elder Lunt

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