Elder Lunt

Երեց Brian Lunt
Եկեղեցին Հիսուս Քրիստոսի Վերջին Օրերի Սրբերի

Monday, May 25, 2015

Week 53

My family and friends,
 I can not believe that a year has come and gone this fast! It has been the most life changing time I have ever undergone. Where has it gone this fast? I know missionaries always say this but like most things, I never understand until I experience it myself. I am so grateful for the decision I made to serve a mission and for the spirit that guided me to making the right decisions. I wouldn't trade it for anything else and it has changed my life and others forever.

 I have truly seen Matthew 10:39 in action in my life and in the lives of others. "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." I know this is the Lord's work, this is where I am suppose to be. I love this, every second of it, the highs the lows and everything in between! I love being a representative of Jesus Christ, I love being a missionary!

Another great week full of great experiences. Everyday We notice the blessings from simply trying to do all we can. I am learning so much I wish I could express it all! We had a neat experience this week as we were planning we called some people in the area book and a man answered he was from Iraq and spoke great English. 

We talked and he agreed to a meeting the next day. He kept saying on the phone "how did you know"? We didn't think anything of it and when we met him the next day we realized how elect this man was. At the begging of the meeting he asked us how did you guys know? We asked know what? He said that he had been taught a year ago and had to return to Iraq early. He was sad that he couldn't be baptized and that he lost our number. 

He came back to Armenia for a bushiness trip and had been thinking about those guys in white shirts that taught him here a year earlier. The night he arrived in Armenia within one hour we called. It was neat to see the hand of the Lord in this man's life and to be able to help him . He will definitely be an Alma;great leader for his country one day. 

So many neat experiences like that daily. We have been blessed with many investigators and we will be blessed to have some baptisms coming up soon. We are finding a lot of people, the hard part is getting them to stick around. We have received so much great counsel and know its time to put it all into practice. As a result that will help people recognize us as Christ's servants and our overall missionary work.

Elder Cornett and I are doing great! In a positive way It has been interesting with how different this companionship has been. how much work we have both put into learning from one another and humbling and changing ourselves. Elder Cornett is great  I will always remember this transfer and all the life changing things I have learned from him. From my perspective he seems happier and for the most part and he has changed his attitude and outlook on things, it has been neat to see.

I have been in deep thought lately during the quiet times of missionary work. Not necessarily about anything specific but just pondering life, smelling the roses and enjoying this time I still have it. We often like to look ahead and think about how great something will be in the future or reminisce the past and long to remember those good times, and we overlook the good times we are creating in that very moment. 

I feel as I have tried to be grateful for the present moment and live it to the fullest. I can see the big picture of life and things on an eternal perspective. It helps me fulfill my baptismal covenant and remember him, as well as being grateful for all he does for  me. Love you all and I am thankful for your letters and your support. 

Thank you!

Love Elder Lunt

Monday, May 18, 2015


Dear family and friends, 
This past week was a great learning experience. As we participated in four zone conferences, I learned some life changing principles from each one. It was a great experience in which I learned a lot about leadership and conducting by the spirit. As well as studying from the scriptures and catching what is actually being said then likening the passage to the circumstances your or others may be in. 

I love the line in Preach my Gospel that talks about personal revelation being the principle on which the government of heaven is conducted;" by revelation adapted to the circumstances in which the children of the kingdom are placed". So many things in the gospel we say and we may think we understand and apply. Until we have our own experiences that really deepen our understanding, testimony and eventually application of the principle. It was a neat opportunity to teach the missionaries, but in reality to learn from them and learn from the spirit in personal studies, and pondering. All together it was just a great privilege to work with the missionaries in Georgia, get to know them and help them with their missionary work. 

The splits that we were able to go on were meaningful and effective. Elder Larsen and Mcarty are doing good. In the short time, hour or two I was with them, there wasn't a whole lot that I could learn or evaluate as far as the work. It was however good to get to know them. Elder Hoffman and I had a great split. He was asking me for the answers to his questions but I was able to turn his questions around and he answered them through the spirit. It was neat helping him realize that he has all the keys to success and happiness. Overall it was a great experience to be with them.

Elder Cornett and I are doing good. I tell him all the time how much I have learned from him and I don't know that he will ever realize how much has been learned from him no matter how many times I tell him. We have had very few disagreements, as different as we may be. Sometimes it has been hard to communicate with each other and the negativity can take its toll on me. I don't know what to do to help when he slips in to quiet sadness, other than try to talk to him but I am not going to always pull the problem out of him. We have talked about all this, and it is getting better. We teach unified and with the spirit. I love him and learn so much from him.

This past week was a lot of time out of our area. However it was worth it. I know that many people were helped and changed the most noticeable being myself. It was neat to have so many learning experiences in one week. I am applying what I have learned and we have already seen the results, in the middle of writing this very email. We had an new investigator come in and ask to be taught through a member that introduced us and we taught him a short lesson. If there is one thing that I would say has changed my view the most on life and especially missionary work, it would be faith in Jesus Christ which includes so much but in short, having daily experiences with him and his atonement. It's been a great week and I have been blessed to learn so much and have the blessings and opportunities that I have been given. Love you all and know that I am happy and doing great, I am enjoying this time and seeing the miracles daily.

Love Elder Lunt

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 51

Happy Mother's day to the best women I know! Who has given me so much! Love you Mom.

It was great seeing you yesterday and hearing your voices. I love you and I realized how big my family is now, so many of you at home and here that were and now are apart of my family. Congrats to Heather on her baby and I cant wait to see him when I get home!

Another great week has come and gone. It has been busy, balancing the needs of the missionaries and those we serve daily. It's great and we learn so much. We are excited for Zone Conferences and the eternal purpose they will contain. We have been praying and pondering, trying to rely heavily upon the Lord for guidance in our plans according to the needs of his missionaries. We are excited for the things we will learn from the spirit in each one of the meetings.

Elder Cornett is doing a lot better. It has been hard with all the constant ups and downs of his trials, and can be hard to not eventually be affected by the sadness or quietness he slips into.  I politely, and more formally expressed to him, that he may need to lose himself in the work more when those times of darkness come, that means off and on the court (outside of the apartment and inside) and gave some advice on a variety of ways to do so.  

We all have different trials but the source of power and liberation comes from the same eternal being, that being Jesus Christ. I have some reasons to be sad and down, but I have more to be positive and happy and at the end of the day that is the easier way, his way, Christ's way. Giving it all over to the Lord, that means your thoughts and hardships, and constantly trying to ALWAYS remember him!

 Elder Cornett is an amazing disciple of Christ and he has taught me a lot that has changed my life and will change others. I love him and I know that this transfer is inspired just as every other one on my mission. We have a big week coming up, it will be good. Thanks for all that you do and the influence and affect you have had on me and indirectly on these people through me. 

Love you all, Elder Lunt

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 50

Dear family and friends,
This week has been amazing, it really has. It was has been one of the hardest weeks of my mission but the weeks keep getting better and better if that makes sense. Yes, the past few weeks were hard and this one was no exception, I have felt this ENTIRE transfer I have had so many trials, I felt I have been in darkness, without clarity,happiness or the spirit. For the first time starting yesterday, during this transfer with much prayer and fasting I feel like I have been freed from the trials I was in. I feel liberated from the dark hole I was caught in and all the lonely feelings that came with it.  Now I just need to pull Elder Cornett out of it...No that will be something only the Lord can take care of. Elder Cornett and I are doing good. We see things very differently but we sort things out and our unity is coming together. I love him!

Trials are so excruciatingly hard sometimes, yet so beautiful. They are always tailored to the individual. It's like after a storm when everything is calm, it makes you appreciate the calmness and tranquility of the environment after the storm settles. Or climbing a mountain when you can summit and look back to see what you have accomplished. Although through out the journey of the climb you may not see the summit in other words the purpose of the climb, being obstructed by trees, rocks or cliffs. You may feel lost alone or afraid but you keep going in faith, even when that is all you are going off of. It is during the climb that determines whether or not you go up or down. But as soon as you summit and look back and see the entire ascent itself in clarity, you appreciate how hard the climb really was and the person it made you. Seeing everything clearly you refocus on the purpose of the climb, you can see the big picture and appreciate the stronger person it made you. Only to descend and scale a bigger mountain.

This last week was one full of miracles. We were blessed to baptize 4 very elect men that have taught me so much especially about humility like unto a child Mosiah 3:19. We had a lot of tender mercies this week but one I want to share is that the Lord always gives us whatever we want. We just have to show him how bad we want it. We have been working  hard and our desires our right, as we ask for investigators, really plead to find them or them us. The Lord has blessed us this transfer and this week with investigators prepared to hear the gospel. We found a big family this week and as we talked about the book of Mormon and they were all gathered around attentively listening, the spirit was there in abundance. It was a great faith building experience! The members are amazing here. The best in my opinion as far as members supporting the missionaries goes. 

We are seeing miracles everyday and differences in peoples lives both big and small. If I can just make someone smile or brighten their day a little bit. Then I have fulfilled my purpose. This last week I saw and old grandma that always sits on a bench by our house, she wears the same clothes every time I see her. A yellow sweater  she  looks tired, alone and sad. This particular time as I  walked by and I saw a dandi lion in the grass, without hesitation I picked the flower and gave it to her. I told her it was beautiful like her and to remember that. As I was walking away I looked back to wave only to see her smelling the flower with the biggest toothless grin, full of light and happiness I have ever seen . Its the small things that make a difference in people's lives. Everyone just wants to be loved in this hard world. It was a great reminder to me. 

Elder Lunt

Letter to all the missionaries from Elder Lunt and Elder Cornett

Dear Missionaries,
It has been another great week, full of miracles especially in finding. How important it is to enjoy the moment, this short time and to notice all the miracles daily. As our theme is D&C: 4:2 Serving with ALL of our heart, might, mind and strength we have to ask ourselves, what is our "all"? And what does that mean as we focus on finding this month? First off it means that we continue to do our all in planning which hopefully by now are habits or developing habits.
Although, only you know and can answer what your all really is. Many prophets and apostles have given us revelation as to how we apply D&C 4:2 in our finding, to make it part of us, a habit and and a mindset rather than an activity!    

2 Nephi 25:23-- "For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do". 
Its within us that after all we can do, that the vision,opportunities and blessings of missionary work come about.

As we already know talking to everyone, everywhere, is mentioned many times in the scriptures along with the promises and blessings.
"And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. (Promise)-- And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men".

 This promise will be different for every single missionary and companionship as we all have different needs and trials, but the blessings, attributes of light attained and the lives changed will be the same. As we all follow this council, and street teach vs street contact. we will find out the true meaning of our all in every single aspect. There are many more promises in the scriptures and also from our leaders,but  it's up to us to do it! John 13;16--"If ye know these things, happy are ye if you do them"

We will talk with leadership about what more we can do in our finding to attain our allBe pondering these items and bring your revelation to the table this Tuesday and to district meetings through out this month. We have some amazing opportunities to build our faith this year as we serve with ALL of our heart, might, mind and strength. It is important to keep in mind who is behind it all and that "The task ahead is never greater than the power behind us!" 

Love you all and pray for you daily by name,

Elder Lunt and Cornett